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g0d delivery time

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Just ordered g0d, used bitcoin and the discount code, cost me about £65. It's all confirmed and I have the email and now I'm just wondering how long it'll take to arrive and what box it will arrive in. Thanks lads
also I used a passport photo and I'm well worried it's going to come out wrong. Looks good on my PC but yeah, shall I send em another?
you'll get it in around a week from when your order confirmation page displays the shipment date, no-one can disclose how the package will arrive but you should definitely receive it as it has passed customs for majority of people.

also; the image you supplied when you ordered is the image you'll receive on your id, there is no way to change it and i highly doubt emailing/messaging g0d will resolve anything - if g0d doesnt think it'll work they will email requesting a new image
That's good then I guess. Looks fine and I take it he isn't stupid, I'm sure he'll know if it isn't going to work, won't he? atm I have 'Payment status: Downloaded' and 'Tracking number: None', so yeah. We'll have to see.