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g0d is also cheap if you use 50% off codes, that and ordering as a group really do cut costs greatly. For "pub" pubs and corner shops, I'd say his DL will get around more than a CIT. Both are good options, however. Ok do you know how I would go about finding 50% off codes is it a matter of waiting ...
g0d is also cheap if you use 50% off codes, that and ordering as a group really do cut costs greatly. For "pub" pubs and corner shops, I'd say his DL will get around more than a CIT. Both are good options, however. Ok do you know how I would go about finding 50% off codes is it a matter of waiting ...
First off are either close enough to the real thing to work? Which is more likely to get me served at local corner shops and potentially pubs? I don't have enough money to spend on the quality of ID god will this be good enough I don't plan on using it to get into clubs or anything like that. Thanks